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Commission Policy

Customer Care

Currently time varies between each commission however after a sketch has been delivered a timeline will be laid out. You can track your current place in the que on the current commission page. Please ensure you watch your email, if I do not get a response from you in two weeks your money will be refunded and you could face black listing if it happens to often.

Privacy & Safety

In an effort to be transparent I wanted to lay out why you must subscribe and what I do with this information. I require your email for correspondence, your name is just so I know what to call you by, and finally your birthday to ensure I am not selling sensitive art to minors.

Payment Methods

At the moment I am only accepting Paypal for payment.

This is in an effort to keep things as safe as possible for all parties involved.

Get to Know
Naana Better

Contact me on twitter @Naana_Wolfe


I'm just a simple artist trying my best. Feel free to contact me here or on twitter especially if you have questions.

Thanks for submitting!

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